Best practices

For teaching and learning with HyFlex

Jukan Tateisi on Unsplash

Best practices for teaching with HyFlex

Advice for professors

The HyFlex system is not designed to replace face-to-face classroom courses, which are considered to be the priority in our campus programs. If quotas are set for the number of students per classroom, students on campus will be asked to take turns attending classes in person so that they can all benefit from contact with the teaching staff.

But during the class, don’t forget that remote participants are listening to you and it can be useful to get them involved when possible, using on-line questions and quizzes, etc. 

HyFlex is mainly designed for lecture courses, in knowledge transmission mode (the professor presents concepts, the theoretical context, etc.). While the system does provide possibilities for interaction with the students, it is not necessarily suited to active scenarios, notably debates, unless you invite the remote participants to play the role of simple spectators.

Announce the rules for your classroom, whether for the students in attendance or for the distance learners: microphones must be turned off, questions must be asked using a messaging service or during interaction times, are certain on-line software or services such as IQuiz going to be used, etc.

Check that the camera is framed properly, notably if you are in a close-up facing the graphic tablet or your computer.

When a student asks a question, reformulate it systematically before answering to make sure everyone has understood.

Manage questions concerning the course with regular dedicated question times (after presenting a concept, for example). During these periods, turn the camera toward the students so they can be seen and heard by the remote students, using the camera’s microphone.

If you have a PC and an ISAE-SUPAERO computer account, you can access the digital space connected to your classroom. For this, you must connect to the LMS and navigate through the HyFlex section until you find your room number. Live connections are possible in this space (for this, use ZOOM on your PC), but you can also use other collaborative tools at your disposal and which are compatible with the HyFlex system, notably:
- IQuiz, an agile resource for organizing multiple choice or open-ended questions and gathering the answers.
- SpeakUp, a way for students to ask questions and to vote for those from other students.
- Framemo, a collaborative post-it board.
- Framapad, a collaborative text editor. 

A Hyflex assistant student is always present in the classroom and can help if needed.

When you course is over, do not forget to STOP the broadcast and recording before talking with students coming to the chair.

Best practices for learning with HyFlex

Advice for students

You are requested to create a ZOOM account using your last name, first name and ISAE-SUPAERO email (

Systematically leave your mic off. If your client configuration is done right, you can press on the spacebar to intervene orally (turn your mic on while pressing on the spacebar).

Systematically leave your mic off. If your client configuration is done right, you can press on the spacebar to intervene orally (turn your mic on while pressing on the spacebar).

Use the messaging service (SpeakUp) to ask questions that the professor can answer later.

Wait for the professor to call on you before any oral intervention.

Caution, the professor may not necessarily see a raised hand immediately. 

You only have 3 days to view the replay after the course date.

Students in the classroom can be the relay of your questions. Communicate with them using messaging services.

HyFlex@isae-supaero, a Flexible, Hybrid approach to courses.


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