This training gives an overview of flight mechanics. It is proposed through blended learning, a series of lectures delivered with tutored distant learning, through many videos, write documents, quiz and exercises. Then, a one day session at ISAE-SUPAERO Campus in Toulouse is proposed, including a flight on a light instrumented aircraft and a guided tutorial dedicated to flight data analysis.


4 weeks + 1 day

Blended learning

Learning time

ISAE-SUPAERO certificate

What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you'll be able to:

Name the parameters and concepts used in flight mechanics (e.g., angle of attack, flight path angle, trim, total height)
Describe the forces applying on an airplane at equilibrium or while maneuvering, explain how it flies and the origin of its flight envelope limits
Describe the standard atmosphere and explain the effect of altitude on the flight characteristics of an airplane
Roughly size the airfoils of an airplane and the power of its engine

What topics will you cover?

Lift, stall and ceiling
General description of an airplane
Drag and propulsion forces
Atmosphere physics and Newton's laws applied to the airplane
Longitudinal stability.

What are the prerequisites?

Forthis course you need to have some basic knowledges:

Notions of force and moment (rotation around an axis)
Fundamental principle of dynamics
Mechanical energy
Notion of derivative

Who is the course for?

This course is for those who are in learning more about how planes work, the physics of flying or flight mechanics. It will be of particular interest to undergraduate students in aerospace engineering, trainee as well as senior pilots, journalists, and professionals in the aeronautics sector.

Who will you learn with?


Eric Poquillon is Full professor ISAE-SUAPERO. He is 20 years as a flight test expert concentrating on civil and military transport aircraft airworthiness and performance. This extensive experience currently serving teaching and R&D activities in the fields of airworthiness, flight dynamics and conceptual design.
See Author's personnal website

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Contact EuroSAE
Course level: BEGINNER
Course type: SPOC
Course delivering: HYBRID LEARNING

Course level: ADVANCED
Course type: SPOC
Course delivering: HYBRID LEARNING

Cela fait à peine plus d’un siècle que les avions volent. Et, de fait, le vol défie souvent l’intuition de l’animal terrestre que nous sommes. Comment vole un avion et comment éviter qu’il échappe au contrôle du pilote ? Jusqu’où peut-il s’élever dans le ciel ? Autant de questions auxquelles ce MOOC s’efforcera de répondre avec passion, simplicité et rigueur scientifique, en s’appuyant sur des explications visuelles, des mises en situation réalistes, des simulations et en se limitant au formalisme mathématique accessible à un élève de terminale à dominante scientifique.


5 semaines

À distance

Learning time

Certificat payant

Qu'apprendrez vous ?

A la fin du cours, vous serez capable de :

Définir et utiliser à bon escient les grandeurs de la mécanique du vol (incidence, pente, assiette, etc.).
Comprendre comment un avion vole et décrire les forces qui s’exercent sur lui à l’équilibre et lors de manœuvres en vol.
Décrire l’atmosphère standard et expliquer l’effet de l’altitude sur les caractéristiques de vol d’un avion.
Comprendre et expliquer l’origine des limites du domaine de vol d’un avion.
Dimensionner grossièrement les surfaces portantes d’un avion et la puissance du ou des moteurs.
Évaluer la distance de décollage et sa pente de montée notamment en cas de panne moteur.

Quels domaines seront couverts ?

Cette formation aborde les notions suivantes :

Éléments de mécanique du vol (incidence, pente, assiette, etc.),
Forces à l’équilibre et lors de manœuvres en vol,
Caractéristiques de vol d’un avion,
Surfaces portantes d’un avion et puissance de son moteur.
Cas des pannes moteur,

Quels sont les prérequis pour ce cours ?

Cette formation nécessite les prérequis suivants :

Notion de force et de moment (rotation autour d’un axe),
Principe fondamental de la dynamique,
Énergie mécanique,
Notion de dérivée.

A qui est destiné ce cours ?

Ce MOOC est orienté grand public avec un niveau baccalauréat à dominante scientifique. Le niveau d’exigence scientifique est important pour appréhender l’intégralité des concepts exposés. Il sera néanmoins proposé, à chaque fois que cela est possible, des niveaux de lecture différents permettant à tous les profils de suivre le cours.

Avec qui apprendrez vous ?


Eric POQUILLON est professeur à l'ISAE-SUPAERO. Il a passé 20 ans comme expert des tests de vol et plus particulièrement sur la navigabilité de l'avion de transport civil et militaire et la performance. Cette vaste expérience est actuellement au service de l'enseignement et des activités de R&D dans les domaines de la navigabilité, de la dynamique de vol et de la conception.
See Author's personnal website

Comment puis-je m'enregistrer à ce cours ?

Les inscriptions ne sont pas ouvertes sur la plateforme FUN-MOOC

You cannot registrate now.
Course level: BEGINNER
Course type: MOOC
Course delivering: 100% ONLINE
Course level: INTERMEDIATE
Course delivering: 100% ONLINE
More than one century after Wright brothers first fly, flight still defy out intuition. You will learn here how planes do fly, how pilots can control their trajectory, and what happens if they fly too low or too fast. Turning, stalling, computing a range or sizing a wing will no longer have any secret for you. More based on explanations than on mathematic demonstration, this course makes an extensive use of diagrams, animations, actual airplane pictures and video, and even flight experimentations on our own airplanes and full flight simulator


4 weeks

Distant learning

Learning time

ISAE-SUPAERO certificate

What will you achieve?

By the end of the course, you'll be able to:

Name the parameters and concepts used in flight mechanics (e.g., angle of attack, flight path angle, trim, total height)
Describe the standard atmosphere and explain the effect of altitude on the flight characteristics of an airplane
Describe the forces applying on an airplane at equilibrium or while maneuvering, explain how it flies and the origin of its flight envelope limits
Roughly size the airfoils of an airplane and the power of its engine

What topics will you cover?

The course goes through the following topics:

General description of an airplane
Lift, stall and ceiling
Drag and propulsion forces
Atmosphere physics and Newton's laws applied to the airplane
Longitudinal stability

What are the prerequisites?

For this course you need to have some basic knowledges:

Notions of force and moment (rotation around an axis)
Fundamental principle of dynamics
Mechanical energy
Notion of derivative

Who is the course for?

This course is for anybody interested in learning more about how planes work, the physics of flying or flight mechanics. It will be of particular interest to undergraduate students in aerospace engineering, trainee as well as senior pilots, journalists, and professionals in the aeronautics sector.

Who will you learn with?


Eric POQUILLON is a lead flight test engineer, currently working as a flight dynamics professor at ISAE SUPAERO, and has conducted certification flight tests on various types of civil and military airplanes.
See Author's personnal website

How can I registrate?

Registrations are not yet open on Coursera platform

You cannot registrate

Course level: BEGINNER
Course type: MOOC
Course delivering: 100% ONLINE
Course level: INTERMEDIATE
Course type: MOOC
Course delivering: 100% ONLINE
Course level: INTERMEDIATE
Course type: MOOC
Course delivering: 100% ONLINE
Course level: INTERMEDIATE
Course type: MOOC
Course delivering: 100% ONLINE