8 Reasons why you should invest on digital nuggets
Here are reasons why you will love creating digital nuggets
ADN stands for “Aerospace Digital Nuggets”. It is a decontextualized micro-content aimed at pedagogical performances and optimizing re-utilization across various pedagogical use cases and platforms. It implements a chunk of knowledge covering a specific notion in less than 30mn.
It may be used individually, e.g., through the MLEARN•UNIVERSEH platform or as a basic component for a larger training program in a Learning Management System like Moodle.
An ADN about vibration implementing an IREAL lab.
Here are reasons why you will love creating digital nuggets
Whether it is a campus course offering pedagogical scenario using digital technology, or an online training such as a MOOC, the creation of digital contents is a nowadays necessity that can be (very) time-consuming. The NaaS ecosystem and the Nugget factory methodology supports you in creating optimized content for your courses and ultimately save you valuable time.
Whether it is a campus course proposed with a pedagogical scenario using digital technology, or an online training such as a MOOC, the creation of digital contents remains often necessary but is a (very) time-consuming project. If we are not careful, we will quickly create ad-hoc contents, specific to a particular course with no chance to be reuse elsewhere. Given this investment, it is best to divide digital resources into two groups, those that are meaningful only to the students involved, and others that could be reused. The Nuggets Factory methodology and the NaaS ecosystem of online services support you in the production process of the reusable contents.
In order to facilitate their development, optimize their reuse and facilitate their deployment, the nuggets are built with the open technology h5p. The numerous content types support your pedagogical needs and present students with easy-to-use learning sequences.
The integration in various educational platforms is at the heart of the NaaS project.
This integration can be very simple if the nugget is published as open education (public) and students do not need to be tracked.A simple link or a basic insertion code (iframe) is enough in this case.
But NaaS offers much more advanced interfaces allowing to select the institution or group of institutions where the nuggets are proposed to their students. As students are authenticated, they can retrieve their results, access to their learning records.
If Moodle platform is privileged here with a special plugin allowing a very ergonomic integration, any modern LMS can integrate nuggets, and it is also possible to develop pedagogical platforms using the open interface (API) of NaaS.
Authors and the University they belong have complete control over their nuggets. They can choose how their work is shared. Already, a private reuse of a nuggets among different courses is a form of sharing, even if the teacher is the only one to use the nuggets. But it is also possible to share the creations in predefined groups, for example a group of thematic engineering schools or a regional University.
The learning time of a nugget is at most 30mn. This is short and allows for easier reuse. The student can also access these pieces of knowledge that cover one notion at a time.
Nuggets are short pieces of learning that offer an educational inputs as well as an interactive formative components. The student must be able to check that he/she has grasped the important elements of the notion presented. The limited duration of the nuggets forces synthesis and optimizes the learner's concentration on the notion presented. Additional tools such as learning analytics and machine learning will aim to further improve the acquisition of knowledge with the nuggets.
Nuggets allow learning ATAWAD: Any Time, Any Where and with Any Device. They provide multimedia content types including interaction with the learner. A large set of possibilities is offered: video, interactive video, quiz, complex scenari, interactive 360 picture and many more.
Nuggets are covering a single learning objective that must be covered in less than 30 minutes. This leads to content that is short to learn and short to produce.
ADNs are decontextualized contents, without reference to time or prerequisites (i.e., which may exist, but which are not specifically expressed in the content other than by metadata).
ADNs are basically pedagogical inputs to larger courses or learning experience. It includes also exercice or quiz to enhance learner motivation.
Standardized learning traces (with xAPI) are collected in compliance with the GDPR. It offers adaptive tracking and training perspectives.
ADNs are implemented with the Nuggets as a Service paradigm. This allows a fully instrumented approach with no copy of information, easy management and access control.
The use of NaaS ecosystem ensure powerfull but simple integration and diffusion access control over many learning platform. It leads to possible re-use in various pedagogical situations.
Thanks to the underlying H5P opensource and extensible technology, the nuggets are fully interactive and responsive. All this can be achieved with no coding.
ADNs are documented with metadata (e.g., title, author(s), keywords, etc.) for easy management and retrieval.
UNIVERSEH courses are good opportunities to invest on re-usable Aerospace Digital Nuggets micro-contents.
Creating an ADN should remain a short-term agile mini-project involving the various expertise of instructor, instructional designer and Nuggets experts.
To be nuggets author, you should have a teaching or expert role in your higher education structure (e.g., your University) that must be member of the NaaS alliance. Please contact your local organization or just send us a message
Your nuggets are hosted in the NaaS repository, situated in the secured datacenter of University of Toulouse, situated in France.
Instructors (Authors) have two categories of rights:
- Moral rights, inalienable, perpetual and imprescriptible: authorship, the right to respect for the work, the right of disclosure, the right to repent and withdraw.
- Exploitation (usages) rights, transferable: they allow to communicate the nugget to the learners
The idea to publish a nugget is to transfer your exploitation rights to your structure according a local arrangement. The NaaS ecosystem helps with the implementation of this transfer.
You decide (or more simply you validate) which structures can access your nuggets during the publication phase. The legal model is based on the link you have with your producer institution. The producer has previously defined a list of structures on which your nugget can potentially be distributed, starting with your institution itself. For each selected structure, a license will be also selected. An open education option may also be available, making possible the ADN to be use anywhere according to the licence.
NaaS automatically implements the access (or not) of a platform to a nugget, and integrates a dynamically composed trailer with the ownership data and the license to apply.
When publishing your nuggets that you create with your producing institution, you determine the possible scope of distribution. Depending on your wishes, educational platforms such as Moodle LMS or micro-content platform may be presented to their students, if the platform publisher decides to integrate them.
IDEA Team members contributing to UNIVERSEH
The NaaS ecosystem and MLEARN-UNIVERSEH are developed by the IDEA team (Innovative Digital Education for Aerospace) of ISAE-SUPAERO.
The development team thanks all the members of the UNIVERSEH project and in particular the Pedagogy Working Froup for their support and suggestions.
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